Teaching and learning MFL


Papers & recommended reading | Editorial reviews | Task for trainees

The papers available here on-line are from ALL journals and other recommended sources. They have all been selected for tutor reading but may also be suitable for trainees.

Papers and recommended reading

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Eleven pets and 20 ways to express one's opinion: the vocabulary learners of German acquire at English secondary schools
HACKER, M., Language Learning Journal, 36 2, December 2008, pp. 215-226

Editorial review

Learner strategies and self-efficacy: making the connection
Graham, S. (2007) Language Learning Journal, 35, 1, pp 81-93

Editorial review

Do near-beginner learners of French have any writing strategies?
Macaro, E. (2007) Language Learning Journal, 35, 1, pp 23-35

Editorial review

What do learners’ beliefs about speaking reveal about their awareness of learning strategies?
Gallagher-Brett, A. (2007) Language Learning Journal, 35, 1, pp 37-49

Editorial review
Language learner strategy research and modern foreign language teaching and learning, Grenfell, M. (June 2007) Language Learning Journal, 35, 1, pp 09-22 Editorial review
Taking communication to task? A critical review of recent trends in language teaching (pdf document)
Klapper, J. (2003) Language Learning Journal, 27, pp 33-44
Editorial review
Teaching communication strategies to beginners (pdf document)
Gallagher Brett, A. (2001) Language Learning Journal, 24, pp 53-61
Editorial review
Grammar in MFL teaching revisited (pdf document)
Meiring, L., Norman, N. (2001) Language Learning Journal, 23, pp 58-66
Editorial review
Semantic primacy and the communicative approach to language teaching (pdf document)
Rider, N., McCretton, E. (1991) Language Learning Journal, 4, pp 72-74
Editorial review



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