Working with your trainees

Professional knowledge and understanding

On-line articles

The articles available here are from the CILT ITT bulletin called Links. They have been selected for tutor reading but may also be suitable for trainees.

Scheme of Work, KS2 French

We are pleased to host the TDA version of the QCA Scheme of Work for French at Key Stage 2 , specifically adapted by CILT to support initial teacher trainees. In the Overview of each unit, more specifi c links to the KS2 Framework and the National Curriculum are given, and more resources including a list of ICT resources are provided. All the sessions have been reformatted to better support trainees and more activities, ICT resources, teaching tips and language points have been added to each session. In particular, each ICT activity is graded with the degree of difficulty so that trainees can choose activities based on their existing ICT skills.

Download the Scheme of Work

File type: Adobe Acrobat PDF (.pdf)

File size: 32.8 MB

Estimated download time: 4-10 minutes

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To download the file to your hard drive, right-click (PC) / ctrl-click (Mac) on the 'Download file' link, and then choose the 'Save Target As' option.

Scheme of Work KS2 French