Resouces to support mentoring in MFL

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Here are two PowerPoint presentations which explore the implications of working with Every Child Matters and the 2007 QTS Standards.

Professional standards for QTS August 2007 (ppt)

Every Child Matters July 2007 (ppt)


Secondary middle managers - improving professional practice, Teachers’ TV video clip

This video clip shows three middle managers using various activities to improve their professional practice, for example:

In addition, we see:

The second part of the video clip gives an insight into the observation of and feedback on a modern languages lesson. This extract could be used as a starting point for discussion about the issues related to good feedback practice in a mentors’ training session.


Two useful books to support mentoring are

development in the education of modern languages teachers, Gray C. (2001) Multilingual Matters.

The school mentor handbook , Hagger H. et al. (1995) Kogan Page.


Quality time and the weekly meeting: An experienced Subject Mentor has written some useful advice.

It is always extremely difficult to manage time. So how can you ensure that the time you dedicate to your STs is ‘quality time’? Below is a list of the main points of action that I have undertaken which have proven to be useful. It is not meant to be prescriptive, just helpful.

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