News | Events
March 2009
ALL Response to the Independent Review of the Primary Curriculum: Interim report (Rose 2008)
The Association for Language Learning invited its members and also teachers more widely, to provide their views about the recommendations on pages 60-67 (Aspect 5: Languages) of the 2008 Interim Rose Report.
Click here to download the entire Interim Report.
The views received have been summarised by ALL Director Linda Parker.
Click here to download the response if you are an ALL member.
Click here to be directed to a review of the response.
Dec 2008
2008 Secondary school language teaching survey
The results of the 2008 Language Trends survey on languages at KS4 shows that languages in secondary schools are in a period of rapid change and development. The decline in participation in language learning has been halted, although there is as yet little sign of any overall increase in numbers.
However, the most striking result of this year’s survey is the evidence that maintained schools are adapting and introducing changes to bring a new enthusiasm to language teaching and to make a strong case for languages in the curriculum. The survey shows that a third of maintained schools have introduced new courses and teaching approaches and report improvements in attitudes and take up amongst pupils as a result.
Please click the CILT webpage for access to the reports.
Nov 2008
Help the General Teaching Council for England to develop a new code for teaching
Teachers and members of the public will have the opportunity to help shape a new Code of Conduct and Practice when a consultation opens on 28 November 2008. The new code is being developed by the independent professional and regulatory body for teaching, the General Teaching Council for England (GTC).
Following research and in-depth consultation with teachers, parents, pupils and others the GTC has produced a draft of the new Code and is now inviting responses. The consultation will run until 27 February 2009 at
Current Code of Practice can be found at
Nov 2008
DCSF published research: Beginner Teachers’ Experiences
of Initial Teacher Preparation,
Induction and Early Professional
A review of literature
The Becoming a Teacher (BaT) study is a six-year longitudinal research project from 2003 to 2009 that examines teachers’ experiences during their initial teacher preparation and, for those who remain in the profession, their first four years in post. It has tracked those teachers who entered the profession via a range of different routes over a period of five academic years.
The literature review involved a detailed search of electronic databases, leading to the production of a full critical summary of issues relevant to the BaT longitudinal study. The review was used to inform the development of research instruments and methods of data analysis and to provide a broader context within which findings from the BaT study could be situated.
Click the DCSF webpage for access to the research report.
Nov 2008
Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe - 2008 Edition
This second edition of Key Data on Teaching Languages at school in Europe gives a clear picture of the language teaching systems in place in the schools of 31 countries covered by the Eurydice Network. It covers aspects ranging from foreign language learning at a very early age, the variety of languages learnt, the taught time at various education levels, the proportion of language learners at each level, content and language integrated learning (CLIL) to the training of teachers of foreign languages from primary to secondary general education.
44 indicators have been used to describe the situation of teaching languages in Europe. Eurydice information is supplemented with data from Eurostat and empirical data gathered in the PISA 2006 international survey conducted by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD
Please click the Eurydice webpage for access to the report.
Nov 2008
School recruitment service to be launched in 2009
The Schools Recruitment Service is designed to help teachers, newly qualified teachers and support staff applying for permanent jobs in schools, and to support schools and local authorities in recruiting staff.
The service is due for launch in early 2009. Anyone interested can follow developments on the DCSF standards site.
Please click the TDA webpage for more information.
Oct 2008
Initial Teacher Training inclusion development programme - primary/secondary dyslexia and speech, language and communication needs DVD
This DVD resource has been specifically designed to increase the confidence of teachers and others when seeking to identify and address SEN. It aims to To support headteachers, SENCOs and leadership teams in planning to raise the attainment of pupils with dyslexia and other literacy needs and pupils with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) as part of the annual cycle of school improvement. It also aims to support teacher trainers in preparing trainee teachers to plan for and develop teaching strategies designed to meet the needs of pupils with dyslexia and SLCN.
The resource is not intended to provide high-level specialist training. Rather, it
Please click the DCSF webpage for details.
October 2008
New Ofsted Report - Implementation of 14-19 reforms: an evaluation of progress
This report evaluates the progress being made in implementing 14–19 reforms, based on visits to 16 local authority areas from April 2007 to March 2008. Partnerships were well established in almost all the areas visited and collaboration was effective in providing a broad range of courses, particularly in Key Stage 4. However, progression from 14 to 19 needs to be made clearer and more coherent, particularly for those on vocational programmes.
Please click the Ofsted webpage for access to the report.
October 2008
Pre-ITT modern language extension courses updated
Pre-initial teacher training enhancement and extension courses are intensive programmes for graduates who need to develop a greater depth of subject understanding prior to training for qualified teacher status.
Modern languages extension courses are specifically designed to help graduates who have one language at degree level to develop capability in teaching either French or German up to Key Stage 3 level (ages 12-14). Up to 25 places per course are available at each provider.
French courses are offered at:
Anglia-Ruskin University
University of Portsmouth
London Metropolitan University
University of Hull
Liverpool John Moores University
German courses are offered at:
Anglia-Ruskin University
Liverpool John Moores University
Newcastle University
University of Portsmouth
The 14-week courses include a two-week study visit overseas, and all participants receive a bursary of £225 a week.
Click here for further information from the TDA website
October 2008
Sats scrapped for 14-year-olds
The government is to abolish Sats for 14-year-olds; a new school-by-school 'report card' will be in place together with more teacher assessment. Click here for media coverage.
October 2008
Languages diploma development updated
The Diploma Development Partnership for Languages invites all those interested in the development of the new Diploma in Languages to share their thoughts on the proposed vision, aims and content of the new qualification by filling in the online Languages Diploma questionnaire or consulations in January.
September 2008
Teaching of new secondary curriculum begins
The new key stage 3 programmes of study started with year 7 students in September. Please visit the QCA website for details of the new curriculum and a support programme.
August 2008
New Ofsted report - The Changing Landscape of Languages
The report evaluates the strengths and weaknesses in modern languages from survey inspections of primary and secondary schools, initial teacher education and adult education between 2004 and 2007. Please visit the Ofsted website to read the full report at
March 2008
A new Masters qualification announced for the teaching profession
TDA statement, 7 March 2008
The Government has asked the Training and Development Agency for Schools to develop plans for the qualification, working with social partners, and to lead on its delivery. We will be consulting with you as we develop the programme further.
The MTL will be a new type of masters programme specifically for practising teachers. It will use the latest evidence of what we know about improving teacher quality in order to create a new classroom-based programme that will build on initial teacher training and progressively develop teaching skills. The programme, initially aimed at teachers at the beginning of their professional career, will provide participants with the time and the support of an expert university-based tutor and an experienced school-based coach. This will require schools and HEIs to collaborate and deliver the programme jointly.
We will keep you informed of progress as we work with social partners to develop the programme. In the meantime, further details on the MTL can be found in the DCSF publication 'Being the best for our children: Releasing talent for teaching and learning'.
February 2008
New Ofsted report - Every Language Matters
Ofsted has just released a new report evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of initial teacher training in languages other than French, German, Irish, Spanish and Welsh, including community languages. It outlines good practice in training and teaching, with a particular focus on the addressing barriers to the provision of initial teacher education (ITE) with respect to community languages.
Please visit the Ofsted website to read the full report at
February 2008
Routes into Languages research reports now available
Two research reports are now available to download from the Routes into Languages research programme aiming to increase the take-up of languages from schools to university:
- Community Languages in Higher Education, led by the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (SOAS), in partnership with the University of Stirling. The aim of this study is to map provision for community languages in Higher Education.
- Languages and Enterprise, conducted by the University of Leeds. This project aims to examine the provision of enterprise skills within HE language courses .
For further information about the routes programme, see
February 2008
Ofsted report on primary languages in initial teacher training
Ofsted have recently released their latest report looking at the quality of primary languages initial teacher trianing. This follows up on their previous study in 2003 on developing primary languages in ITT.You can download the full publication at
Anne Feltham from Ofsted will be holding a workshop at this year's Primary Languages Show in Manchester (29 Feb - 1 March 2008) to present the findings. Further details and a provisional programme for both days are available on the CILT Primary Languages Show pages
January 2008
Information leaflet for overseas trained teachers
A new leaflet produced by the TDA containing information regarding the legal position of overseas trained teachers (OTTs) can be downloaded from their website. The law allows OTTs to work in a relevant school in England for up to four calendar years if they have successfully completed teacher training which is recognised by the authorities in their own country.
This publication also contains contact numbers and links to websites where OTTs can obtain more information. You can also order hard copies from the TDA.
Trained Teachers - What you need to know
October 2007
QCA schemes of work for KS2 German and Spanish
Units 1-12 of the new schemes of work for German and for Spanish have now been published in electronic (pdf) format at You can also download the overview documents and Teacher's Guide (common to all languages) from this site via the links at the foot of the page. The German and Spanish units are being printed but there will be a short delay before the packs are distributed to those schools that placed orders in June/July. It will only be possible to order additional hard copies (via QCA Orderline) after this distribution.
German and Spanish Units 13-24 are close to publication. Since these units will be trialled over the next six months, together with French units 13-24, they will be published in draft form and will not be printed until the final versions have been agreed.
The German and Spanish units closely follow the French units in their focus. The schemes are intended to be used flexibly. They provide a basis from which schools can develop or adapt their own schemes and teachers should feel free to use as much or as little of the schemes as they find helpful.
Word versions of the German and Spanish units will be published in due course. Word versions of French units are already available in electronic form.
September 2007
Free associate ALL membership for 2007-2008
ALL is very pleased to offer once more FREE Associate Membership to trainees on PGCE, GTP or equivalent courses (as well as to NQTs). The offer last year proved extremely popular, connecting hundreds of young teachers with their community, especially through the weekly ALLnet e-mail update. Associates also get special rates at local and national events and offers from the ALL corporate members.
Please alert your trainees to this offer. To register they use the simple form on the home page of the ALL website:
August 2007
French Subject Knowledge Booster Course, Universtiy of East London
This short intensive course have been funded by the TDA and is designed to provide opportunities for PGCE and GTP trainees to top up their subject knowledge either before registration or during the earliest stage of their post graduate teacher training.
The course is free of charge and light refreshments will be provided. It
will run from the 6th to the 7th and the 10th to the 14th of September (7
working days). The tend to find the course very informative and enjoyable
and it is a great opportunity to refresh their subject knowledge. Contact
Michelle Lategan
at UEL for further information.
July 2007
Standards guidance now available from the TDA
The guidance to accompany the revised QTS standards can be found on the
TDA website at:
23 April 2007
The Primary Review: Progress
The Primary Review is a comprehensive independent enquiry into the condition and future of primary education in England. The Review is based at the University of Cambridge and supported by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. The coverage of the Review is framed by three perspectives: children and childhood, culture, society and the global context and primary education.
The call to submit evidence to the Review closed at the end of March. Follow
the Review's progress as they release their commissioned research surveys
over the coming months, and the final report in Autumn 2008.
Click here for
further information from the review website