Teaching and learning MFL
Cultural and intercultural understanding
Papers & recommended reading | Editorial reviews | Task for trainees
The papers available here on-line are from ALL journals and other recommended sources. They have all been selected for tutor reading but may also be suitable for trainees.
Papers and recommended reading
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Sameness and difference: the challenge of culture in language teaching (pdf document) Broady, E. (2004) Language Learning Journal, 29, pp 68-72 | |
Foreign language education as political and moral education - an essay (pdf document) Byram, M. (2002) Language Learning Journal, 26, pp 43-47 | |
a culture and a foreign language at school - aspects of intercultural
learning (pdf document) Kaikkonen, P. (1997) Language Learning Journal, 15, pp 47-51 |
Modern languages: learning and teaching in an intercultural field (book) Phipps, A., Gonzalez, M. (2004), London: Sage |
Research development project:
Forging the links: Raising Awareness of Diversity Issues in Primary and Secondary MFL ITE, An ESCalate funded development project, in conjunction with ITTMFL
Farhana ZAMAN, Nottingham Trent University with Keith FAULKNER, University of Sheffield and ITTMFL
This is an on-going development project that seeks to explore whether the study of Modern Foreign Languages within the primary and secondary curriculum could help in raising student teachers’, and subsequently their classes’, awareness of diversity issues. Through this research, we hope to be able to identify and highlight current and potential good practice, as well as those issues faced by MFL student teachers in such endeavours.
The ITT MFL community was asked to complete a survey for our project at the CILT ITT MFL conference in Keele, September 2007. At the subsequent September 2008 conference at Loughborough following a response from colleagues, we have reshaped the questionnaire: click here to download the revised and, we hope, the improved version.