Teaching and Learning MFL
Part 1: Assessment for Learning in the MFL classroom
Jane Jones on formative assessment, Part 1
to our first interactive research seminar. Here you will hear Dr Jane Jones
(Senior Lecturer in Education, Kings College London) discuss her current
ESRC funded major research programme on Assessment for Learning in MFL classrooms.
Listen to her by clicking on the links below to 15 video clips of 90-120
seconds each. Share your views via the
forum. If you are not currently a member of the forum then click here
for further information and joining details.
See also the various resource support documents below the clips including a presentation of the research given by Dr Jane Jones at the CILT ITE conference in September 2006.
Click to view the subsequent Part 2 of this research, posted in September 2007.
If you do not have Windows Media Player click here to download (for best results version 9 or higher should be used).
Clip 1: Background
Clip 2: Raising standards
Clip 3: Defining formative assessment
Clip 4: Previous research
Clip 5: Pupils and MFL
Clip 6: Cross phase continuity
Clip 7: The main tenets of the approach
Clip 8: Questioning
Clip 9: Wait time
Clip 10: Collaborative learning
Clip 11: Feedback
Clip 12: Self assessment
Clip 13: Traffic lighting
With thanks to Teachers' TV for the use of "Traffic Lighting" footage within this clip.
Clip 14: Peer assessment
Clip 15: Summary
Click to view the subsequent Part 2 of this research, September 2007.
Resource support
- Research reference: Black, P et al. ( 2003) Assessment for Learning. Putting it into practice. Maidenhead: OUP, references to MFL can be found on pages 72-73.
- Research presentation: Dr Jane Jones presented her work at the CILT ITE conference in September 2006. To view her powerpoint presentation from this event click here.
- Task for trainees and school tutors: This resource was made for trainees and school subject tutors to use while watching the Jane Jones discussion on Assessment for Learning. Many thanks to Madeleine Gerard from the South London Consortium for sharing this resource. To download the document click here.
- Links bulletin article: See Jane Jones’ article in the latest Links bulletin, January 2007 (CILT’s biannual magazine written by and for anyone involved in teacher training). Soon to be linked on this page.