Teaching and learning MFL
Papers & recommended reading | Editorial reviews | Task for trainees
It is essential to any area of study that pupils as well as teachers see
the point of doing it and perceive it to be worthwhile. Matters arising
from this in the context of MFL are: extrinsic and intrinsic reward, short-
and long-term purpose, appeal to different learning styles, and the current
post-16 challenges to recruitment. Study of this issue should result in
the student teacher perceiving the need to boost the survival prospects
of MFL by participation in a curricular planning process designed to effect
a more challenging, yet diverse and appealing learning experience for pupils
particularly and crucially in Key Stages 3 and 4.
Study of this topic has the potential to address aspects of the following
QTS standards: 1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.5; 1.7; 2.3; 3.1.1; 3.1.2; 3.3.1; 3.3.2;
Task for trainees
Group discussion
Have you witnessed or observed any'marketing' activity in school to promote
MFL learning and its continued study post-14 and post-16? Compare notes
with other student teachers, and formulate an essential action plan for
any secondary school.
Observation focus
Observe some Y9 MFL classes, and make notes on the kind of tasks they are
required to carry out. Now arrange to observe the same Y9s in other curricular
areas; are the tasks in other lessons set more attractive/interesting, or
more cognitively challenging in your opinion?
Check your planning
Check your Key Stage 4 planning for this week incorporates some development
of language learning SKILLS. Is your lesson a good preparation for post-16
study as well as good preparation for GCSE? Is there a sufficient level
of challenge to prepare your pupils to take the next big step?