Inclusion - excellence for all

Specific learning difficulties

Papers & recommended reading | Editorial reviews | Task for trainees

The papers available here on-line are from ALL journals and other recommended sources. They have all been selected for tutor reading but may also be suitable for trainees.

Papers and recommended reading

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Teaching modern languages to visually impaired children (pdf document)
Couper, H. (1996) Language Learning Journal, 13, pp 6-9
Editorial review
Listening skills and the hearing-impaired child (pdf document)
McColl, H. (1992) Language Learning Journal, 6, pp 41-42
Editorial review


Autistic Spectrum Disorders and learning foreign languages
Wire, V. (2005) Support for Learning, 20 (3), pp 123-128. Access to this paper is via a section of Hilary McColl’s website hosted by Vivienne Wire, called AUTISM & foreign language learning
Editorial review
A bibliography of modern foreign languages and special educational needs (word document)
David Wilson of Harton Technology College, South Shields
Editorial review



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